Pastor Royjr Gomes here for you! SCROLL DOWN TO SEE OUR SITE!
Pastor Royjr Gomes here for you! SCROLL DOWN TO SEE OUR SITE!
We proclaim one
Savior, Jesus Christ.
We proclaim one message, His gospel.
We proclaim one
Savior, Jesus Christ.
We proclaim one message, His gospel.
Aloha we welcome you and your family. Join us every Sunday to worship, pray and hear anointed teaching. We are here to love and serve you!
Jesus said, "Come unto Me, all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will f
Aloha we welcome you and your family. Join us every Sunday to worship, pray and hear anointed teaching. We are here to love and serve you!
Jesus said, "Come unto Me, all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For My yoke is easy and My burden is light".
Mathew 11:28-30
Pastor Marcia's Bible Class on YouTube at
Women of Destiny Hawaii &
Kona Christian Church
Or scroll down to see messages
Sunday Service: 9:30am - 11:30a
Wednesday--Youth Group call office
Call office for more information.
Phone: 808-989-5620
Go into all the world and preach the gospel of Jesus Christ. Populate Heaven, and Plunder Hell. Winning our community and island
Sunday Service: 9:30am - 11:30a
Wednesday--Youth Group call office
Call office for more information.
Phone: 808-989-5620
Go into all the world and preach the gospel of Jesus Christ. Populate Heaven, and Plunder Hell. Winning our community and island for Christ & winning our world!
Matthew 28:19-20
God has placed a passion and vision in our hearts to reach the people of our Island Home here in Hawaii. To disciple and train them up so they in turn can reach their friends and family and from that firm foundation reaching out to the rest of the word
Isa 56:7 Even them I will bring to My holy mountain, And make them joyful in My house of prayer. Their burnt offerings and their sacrifices Will be accepted on My altar; For My house shall be called a house of prayer for all nations."
Your generosity and financial support is changing lives. It’s what enables us to carry out the vision of our church, as we fulfill Jesus’ command to win souls and make disciples. We want to thank you for your prayerful and faithful support, as we continue to trust God’s promise that He, “…is able to make all grace (every favor and earthly blessing) come to you in abundance, so that you may always and under all circumstances and whatever the need be self-sufficient [possessing enough to require no aid or support and furnished in abundance for every good work and charitable donation] (2 Corinthians 9:8, AMP)
Jesus Heals Blind Bartimaeus
Mar 10:46 Now they came to Jericho. As He went out of Jericho with His disciples and a great multitude, blind Bartimaeus, the son of Timaeus, sat by the road begging.
Mar 10:47 And when he heard that it was Jesus of Nazareth, he began to cry out and say, "Jesus, Son of David, have mercy on me!"
Mar 10:48 Then many warned him to be quiet; but he cried out all the more, "Son of David, have mercy on me!"
What the Bible says about the Rapture
Every Christian should understand the Rapture of the Church.
Pastor Roy Sr. is Senior Pastor
Pastor Marcia is 2nd Senior Pastor
She is Administrative pastor for KCC.
She is KCC web-site builder
She pastor's Women of Destiny Hawaii
He is assistant pastor and overseer of our Helps Ministries
They manage our children ministries.
Binkie is our lead greeter & hospitality leader.
Rose is our maintenance leader & is a greeter.
Sheila is our greeter & Sunday School teacher
Laura takes care of our 3-4-5 year old Sunday School. She is also our Foundations Bible Class Teacher.
She also is our Van Driver for the Elderly.
John 9:1-1-14 Jesus Heals a Man Born Blind
Joh 9:1 Now as Jesus passed by, He saw a man who was blind from birth.
Joh 9:2 And His disciples asked Him, saying, "Rabbi, who sinned, this man or his parents, that he was born blind?"
Joh 9:3 Jesus answered, "Neither this man nor his parents sinned, but that the works of God should be revealed in him.
Joh 9:4 I must work the works of Him who sent Me while it is day; the night is coming when no one can work.
Joh 9:5 As long as I am in the world, I am the light of the world."
Healing in the New Testement
Healing of the Centurion Servant
Samantha Guerpo is our worship leader. She is a blessing and an answer to our prayers. Come and join her worship.
Pama is an Usher & drummer
Shanna is toddler teacher
Linda Women of Destiny Hawaii Ministry. Leader
Tyrone sound tech/usher/assist pastors
Pastor Marcia's Bible Class
Goes through the New Testament looking at the different types of healings of the bible.
Pastor Marcia Bible Class
Act 10:38 how God anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Spirit and with power, who went about doing good and healing all who were oppressed by the devil, for God was with Him.
The Lord Jesus Christ
We believe in the deity of Jesus Christ as the only begotten Son of God. We believe in His substitutionary death for all men, His resurrection, and His eventual return to judge the world.
We believe all men are born with a sinful nature and that the work of the Cross was to redeem man from the power of sin. We believe that this salvation is available to all who will receive it.
Water Baptism
We believe in the ordinance of water baptism by immersion in obedience to the Word of God. All those who have accepted Jesus Christ as their personal savior should be baptized in water as a public profession of their faith in Christ and to experience what the Bible calls the "circumcision of the Spirit."
The Holy Spirit
We believe in the existence of the Holy Spirit as the third person of the Trinity and in His interaction with man.
We believe in the baptism of the Holy Spirit as manifested by the fruit and the gifts of the Spirit.
The Sacred Scripture
We believe in the scripture as the inspired Word of God and that it is the complete revelation of God's will for mankind. We believe in the absolute authority of the scripture to govern the affairs of men.
Body Ministry
We believe in the ministry of the Holy Spirit to the Church body through the anointing of oil by the ministers and the laying on of hands.
Commitment to Israel
We believe in the promise of Genesis 12:3 regarding the Jewish people and the nation of Israel. We believe that this is an eternal covenant between God and the seed of Abraham to which God is faithful.
The Church
We believe in the Church as the eternal and universal Body of Christ consisting of all those who have accepted the work of the atonement.
We believe in the need for a local assembly of believers for the purpose of evangelism and edification.
We believe that every man is the steward of his life and resources which ultimately belong to God. We believe that tithing is a measure of obedience to the scriptural principles of stewardship.
Prayer and Praise
We believe in the worship of the Lord through singing, clapping, and the lifting of hands. We believe in the authority of the believer to ask freely of the Lord for your needs.
Priesthood of the Believer
We believe that every believer has a unique relationship to the Lord. As His children, every Christian has immediate access to the throne of Grace and the ability to manifest the power of the Lord Jesus Christ in ministry.
1Co 12:1 Now concerning spiritual gifts, brethren, I do not want you to be ignorant:
1Co 12:1 Now concerning spiritual gifts, brethren, I do not want you to be ignorant:
1Co 14:1 Pursue love, and desire spiritual gifts, but especially that you may prophesy.
1Co 14:2 For he who speaks in a tongue does not speak to men but to God, for no one understands him; however, in the spirit he speaks mysteries.
We would love to meet you! We are in office Monday to Friday unless we are on call to a happening.
Please call for appointments to make sure we are at the office when you come in to see
Grey Furniture Bldg. Kona, 74-5490 Kaiwi St, #H Kailua Kona, Hawaii 96740, United States
OFFICE (808) 989-5620 CELL PHONE (808) 989-5620 Pastor Roy Jr. Gomes email address: Web-site:
Today | By Appointment |
We are in office Monday to Friday unless we are on call to a happening.
Please call for appointments to make sure we are at the office when you come in to see us.
Kona Christian Church
Kona Christian Church 74-5490 Kaiwi St Bay H Kailua-Kona, HI 96740 US
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